Mosque in Kandahar

The Friday Mosque of Kandahar City in Afghanistan.
Within the compound is also
the tomb of Ahmad Shah Durrani,
the founder of the state of Afghanistan, and the site of a cloak which is believed to be worn by the Islamic Prophet Muhammad.
It has switched hands until finally resting here.(Wikipedia)
イスラムの預言者 ムハンマドが身に着けていたとされる神聖なマントがある。

St. Polyeuktos capital with palms
Capital from St. Polyeuktos church in Constantinople, ca. 524-527. Istanbul Archaeological Museum.
Categories: Byzantine churches in Istanbul6th-century churches in TurkeyAnicia Iuliana

Pillars from St Polyeuktos Constantinople outside south wall of San Marco in Piazzetta Venice known as Pillars of Acre
途中です 2013-02-04