オーガスタス・ウェルビー・ノースモア・ピュージン(Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin, 1812- 1852 40歳没)wikipedia
その本で初めて、A・ウェルビー・N・ピュージンを見て、『対比』(原著1836 )などを、読んでみたいと思った。が、かなりお高い本なので、WEB探索といきたい・・。
Contrasts and The True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture
In 1836, Pugin published Contrasts, a polemical book which argued for the revival of the medieval Gothic style, and also "a return to the faith and the social structures of the Middle Ages".
The book was prompted by the passage of the Church Building Acts of 1818 and 1824, the former of which is often called the Million Pound Act due to the appropriation amount by Parliament for the construction of new Anglican churches in Britain.
The new churches constructed from these funds, many of them in a Gothic-Revival style due to the assertion that it was the "cheapest" style to use, were often criticised by Pugin and many others for their shoddy design and workmanship and poor liturgical standards relative to an authentic Gothic structure.
Decorative grill from the Palace of Westminster
アウグストゥスピュージン(1812 – 1852)は、ゴシックリバイバルスタイルでの彼の役割に影響を与えたイギリスの建築家、デザイナー、アーティスト、評論家でした。彼の著書である「ゴシック装飾」は、ゴシック様式の例の優れた選択とプーギンの絵の質の高さで傑出していた。(Gothic_Ornaments,_selected_fom_various_ancient_buildingsの解説より)
Gothic Ornaments, selected fom various ancient buildings,
both in England and Franc, during the years 1828, 1829, and 1839
- Agustus Pugin