この魅力的な絵ハガキは2010年のカルタゴ展(古代カルタゴとローマ展 = The legacy of Carthage : きらめく地中海文明の至宝 : チュニジア世界遺産) で購入
"Carthage prêtresse sarcophage Delattre" by Père Delattre
- Père Delattre. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
Carthage Byrsa Musee National Sarcophage De La Pretresse- Tunisia She is presented in Etruscan fashion but with a robe draped in Greek style; of Egyptian influence is her hairdo and the snake on her forehead, as well as the wings folding over her body. She could be a priestess of Isis, but that is not certain..
このライデンミュージーアムのページで https://www.rmo.nl所有の Early Christian sarcophagus初期キリスト教石棺、
Beautiful sarcophagi dating to the end of the Punic era, have been found in the necropolis, notably the sarcophagus of the priest and the priestess, which is on display in the museum.
(Wikipedia:Carthage National Museum) The Sarcophages of the Priest and Priestess
"Sarcophages carthage 1" by Pradigue - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
1.浴槽型(東方起源 表面全体に浮彫装飾)
1.フリーズ式 四帝共治の時代(293~313)に登場
2.ストロギリス式 strigilis膚掻きべらのようなS字型の並べられた装飾
3.円柱式 小アジア起源https://imaginemdei.blogspot.jp/
◇市門型石棺(テオドシウス帝Theodosius時代 神学的象徴主義)ガリア地方で制作 4面すべてに装飾
ヨナの石棺 245年頃
Sarcophagus of Jonah. Roma,Santa Maria Antique.
「埋葬芸術における異教神話の救済信仰化」・・ギリシア・ローマ神話の登場人物になぞらえて死者を理想化しその加護や救済を祈るという手法は、すでに2~3世紀の多くの異教石棺の作例通りである・・by辻佐保子「キリスト教図像の形成」(小学館世界美術全集西洋7 p74)
ヨナの石棺 290年頃 ヴァティカーノ美術館蔵
Sarcophagus of Jonah. Musei Vaticani,Museo Pio Cristiano
"Fronte del sarcofago di giona, 280-300 dc., da necropoli vaticana 01" by Sailko
- Own work. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
教義的石棺 320ー350年ごろ ヴァティカーノ美術館蔵
”Dogmatic” Sarcophagus. Musei Vaticani,Museo Pio Cristiano
"Sarcófago dogmático" by Miguel Hermoso Cuesta
- Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
後期コンスタンティヌス時代の最高傑作 ユニウス・バッススの石棺
Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus, marble, 359 C.E. (Treasury of Saint Peter's Basilica)
"Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus - Cast in Rome". Licensed under Attribution via Wikimedia Commons.
"Strigil Sarcophagus St Victor" by Disdero - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
「 This marble coffin, called a sarcophagus (a Greek word that means "flesh eater"), was used to bury a body intact. Let's look at what the sculptor carved on it.
Museo Pio Cristian:https://www.flickr.com/photos/anch_jm/
sarcofagi musei vaticani;https://www.gliscritti.it/gallery3/、(Sarcófago de Bethesda empotrado )
"Milano bazylika Sant Ambrogio 3" by Andrzej Otrębski - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
"09812 - Milano - Sant'Ambrogio - Sarcofago di Stilicone - Foto Giovanni Dall'Orto 25-Apr-2007"
by G.dallorto - Self-published work by G.dallorto. Licensed under Attribution via Wikimedia Commons.
"Istanbul img 4994" by Gürkan Sengün. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
"Lycian sarcophagus" by oncenawhile - Own work
Istanbul Archaeology Museum
Istanbul, Turkey
13 June 1892
Istanbul Archaeology Museum page. Licensed under CC0 via Wikimedia Commons.
The Lycians seem to have held a belief that the souls of their dead would be transported from the tombs to the afterworld by a sort of winged siren-like creature
(by https://lycianturkey.com/lycian_tombs.htm)
The Lycian sarcophagus is from the end of the 5th century BC. It seems to have been made by a sculptor from the Pelopennese but using the Lycian style. Here we see two centaurs fighting over a deer. On the tympanum two sphinxes are seated, with the bodies of dogs and female breasts and faces. They guard the tomb.(byhttps://www.pbase.com/image/39181448 )
■ https://2012turkey.seesaa.net/article/304258904.html旧館(石棺編)
"Banditaccia Sarcofago Degli Sposi". Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
Walters Art Museum: Home page Info about artwork・・・
The triumphal march of Dionysus (or Bacchus, as he was generally known in Rome) through the lands of India was equated in Roman thought with the triumph of the deceased over death. At the left, Dionysus rides in a chariot pulled by panthers. Preceding him is a procession of his followers and exotic animals, including lions, elephants, and even a giraffe. A bird's nest is concealed in the tree at the far right; on the same tree a snake is pursuing a lizard. Many of the animals depicted had special significance in the mystery cult of Dionysus Sabazius. On the lid is the birth of Dionysus and his reception by nymphs, shown between satyr heads (on the ends), one smiling and one frowning. The enormous attention to detail on this sarcophagus exemplifies the talents of the best Roman relief carvers.
"0 Sarcofago di Costantina - Museo Pio-Clementino - Vatican (1)" by Jean-Pol GRANDMONT
- Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
4世紀半ば 紫斑岩 バティカンの美術館蔵
Sarcopagus of Princess Constantina. Musei Vaticani, Museeo Pio Clementino
■コンスタンツァの石棺 (+サンタコンスタンツァ教会に描かれた葡萄唐草文)⇒ budou_kylix21.html
→小学館美術全集(世界美術大全集 西洋編7・西欧初期中世の美術1997)
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