Walters Ms. W917 - Apocalypse by Andrew of Caesarea f.219v The river of life
Walters Ms. W917 - Apocalypse with commentaries by Andrew of Caesarea This manuscript was made around 1800 by the “Old Believers,” a group of Russian Christians who dissented from the Russian Orthodox Church and were subsequently persecuted and excommunicated. Because their books were often confiscated and they were forbidden to use printing presses, they continued to write important works such as this one by hand. The manuscript contains the text of the New Testament book of Revelation along with a patristic commentary, which is accompanied by a series of seventy-one striking full-page miniatures.
カエサレアのアンドレアス(563 – 637)en.wikipedia
Bamberg Apocalyps eFolio057r River Of Life
Queen Mary Apocalypse - BL Royal MS 19 B XV f. 5v -
Door opened in Heaven
14th century (early 14th C)
→ ■ヨハネの『黙示録』を読む