"Central part of a large floor mosaic depicting Aion, the god of eternity, and Tellus, a goddess of the earth, from a Roman villa in Sentinum (Italy), ca. 200–250 C.E, Glyptothek, Munich (13271543954)"
Aion, the god of eternity, is standing inside a celestial sphere decorated with zodiac signs, in between a green tree and a bare tree (summer and winter, respectively). Sitting in front of him is the mother-earth goddess, Tellus (the Roman counterpart of Gaia) with her four children, who possibly represent the four seasons.
https://www.amazon.fr/Monde-dAutun-Zodiaque-points-cardinaux/今回(20190315)、「ゾディアック叢書」 Zodiaque「la nuit des temps」1950年代にヴェズレーの近くの修道院の修道士ドン・アンジェリコアンジェリコ・スルシャン(*1924年生)が始めた出版の活動*、ヨーロッパ全体としてロマネスクを俯瞰する研究.1954~1979年)も見たいと思うが・・。