In Greek mythology, a thyrsus (thyrsos) was a staff of giant fennel (Ferula communis) covered with ivy vines and leaves, sometimes wound with taeniae and always topped with a pine cone.
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His attributes included the thyrsos (a pine-cone tipped staff), drinking cup, leopard and fruiting vine.
The wine and revelry god Dionysus and his followers carried a thrysos. This was a special staff twined with ivy. Sometimes the thyrsos is shown with a pine cone on top.
As female votaries of Dionysos, maenads abandoned themselves to orgiastic festivities.
〔ギリシア・宗教〕 テュルソスはディオニューソスとバッコス神の巫女たちの持ち物である。長い杖か槍または投げ槍の形をし先端にマツがついておりキヅタ、花々、ブドウの葉や房が巻きついている。
Barbara G. Walker : The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets (Harper & Row, 1983)の引用ありa Maenad is holding a cheetah by the tail in her right hand and a thyrsos on her left hand
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