ゴンブリッチの『THE STORY OF ART A STORY(16版)』の「WITHOUT END THE CHANIGNG PAST」に追加されているもので、彫刻の次は1970年代に発見されたギリシア絵画を見る
The Tomb of Persophone
(fig.410) The rape of Persphone,c.366 BC →
Central section of a wall-paomting from a royal tomb at Vergina in nothern Greece
cist tombWikimedia(20151005閲覧)
cist (a small stone-built coffin-like box or ossuary used to hold the bodies of the dead).
The Great Tumulus at Aigai:http://www.macedonian-heritage.gr/
おそらくNikomachos作(紀元前4世紀半ば); このデートは、墓の内部で見つかった陶器のsherdsによってサポートされている。
Professor Manolis Andronikos(1919-1997)
Greek archaeologist who discovered ancient royal tombs in northern Greece possibly belonging to the Macedonian King Philip II, the father of Alexander III the Great.Manolis Andronicos - Britannica.com(20151005閲覧)
Vergina: The Royal Tombs - by Manolis Andronikos アレクサンダー大王の父の墓
3rd century BC statue of Alexander the Great, signed "Menas"
. Istanbul Archaeology Museum.
Marble statue of Alexander the Great Archaeological Museum Istanbul
灰棺The Golden Larnax (Chrysi Larnaka) (with the Sun of Vergina on the lid) that contains the remains (bones) from the burial of King Philip II of Macedon and the royal golden wreath. Formerly located at the Thessaloniki's Archaeological Museum, Thessaloniki Greece, now (since 1997) displayed at the underground museum stage of Verghina, inside the Great Tumulus.
Achilles and Ajax playing a board game. Eight-pointed sun symbols are depicted on their cloaks. Amphora by Exekias, 6th century BC, Vatican Museum.
(岩波美術館の図6 将棋を指すアキレウス 紀元前530年ごろ、エクセキアスの署名
赤字に図柄を黒く描いた黒絵式アンフォラ、ブルチ(イタリア)出土高さ 61cm,ヴァチカン美術館蔵)
A sixteen-pointed Vergina Sun symbol on a relief sculpture depicting Helios, early 4th century BC, Athena's temple, Ilion
Warrior departure. Side A of an Attic red-figure belly-amphora.Staatliche Antikensammlungen収蔵